Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pig Hunting At Ossabaw

Ossabaw Island: Did you do any Pig Hunting at Ossabaw like they use to do at Ossabaw, I know you were a hunter so...I just wanted to know?

Cousin Freddie: Yeah was so many of them.

Cousin Freddie

Ossabaw Island Asks: So, we heard that your family came here from Ossabaw Island, did you know or hear anything about that growing up?

Cousin Freddie: Yea, I didn't live there, but it was a stopping point Ossabaw. They used to stop at Ossabaw to pick up fruits and vegetables. You know Ossabaw is where the rich use to stop was for the rich people. They use to stop over their to get their fruit and vegetables on their excursions.

Their were many old houses and churches over there. I don't remember the name of the black or white churches tho.You know I use to sail over there with my daddy, the Revered. The only was you use to get over there was by boat. That use to be the only way you could get to Skidaway too before they built the land pass. Buck and Mollie use to carry me over there from the dock in Pin Point at your Grandma's House.

Do you know how Pin Point started. Well you know, everybody use to work at the crab factory at your Grandma's House. You know we, my daddy, your daddy, and I use to catch about 30 to 40 pounds a day and she would sale 40 pounds of crab meat at a time. And you know all the boats use to stop there in her yard, she would have 4 to 5 boats pulled up there at a time.

Miss M...

Ossabaw Island Asks: So, we heard that your family came here from Ossabaw Island, did you know or hear anything about that growing up?

Miss M: You know, I am still learning about the story myself, But you know what I wanna tell you is that most of your people and their people (Pin Point) great great grandparents grew up in the Tabby Villas over there on Ossabaw.There was a church over their "Don't Hinder Me Church", where most of our people went.We, our people in Pin Point were force to moved when the "Great Hurricane" came in the late 1800's and blew it down. That's when they moved over to Pin Point.

Cousin Iggy

Ossabaw Island Asks: So, we heard that your family came here from Ossabaw Island, did you know or hear anything about that growing up?

Cousin Iggy: No, I just new Ms. Helen and the crab factory she ran at her house. I don't really remember how she got to Pin Point. I had just joined the Army from 1951, and was in the Korean War, I was in the Army from 1951 to 1953.

My first trip to Pin Point was in 1952, but I don't know how she got there.

Milk Memories From Mama's House

You know, I wasn't born that long ago and as I was reading about Hemo, I vividly remember Grandma getting up in the morning and putting the milk bottles in the green container and meeting the Milk man each morning...I was only about 5 or 6.

Friday, August 7, 2009


They called him "Hemo" because he loved chocolate milk. You know "Hemo" is what they use to call chocolate milk back in the day. "Hemo" drank so much chocolate milk in his granddaddy's truck, that "Hemo" became his name....

Hemo..One of the legends of Ossabaw

Look at the Hemo Ad

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Vernon View

From PinPoint To Vernon View Island To Ossabaw
Check out the view at, you can PinPoint the locations: Map

Our family car would leave Mama's house from PinPoint, no later than 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning. You know with Mama we were never late.We would get to Vernon View in time enough to load the boxes and stuff onto the boat so we can be off and on the Torrey's Boat(which was docked at Vernon View) by 9 a.m.

Malcolm Bell The Purchasing Agent...he had the dock at Vernon View...he was a purchasing agent ..... The go to guy for when you needed anything on the island ...and the go to guy for the Torreys. So when The Torreys needed can count on us sailing along with their supplies.

So ...through him we were able to come and go on the island... Horse

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Horse ... And The Tallywacker

His name was a young boy he was the smartest of the clan. For years he remained silent of his roots until he heard the call in the middle of the night "Come Home." But this time home wasn't to Pin Point or Savannah. It was the long silent boat ride across the Moon, pass Skidaway, down Green River. After 40 years, he came back home to Ausapaugh. Where the spirit of the Indian was in the Negro, the white folks were not native, and his tabby shack stood waiting for his story to be told and the white mans story to be untold-besides what did the historians know.

This was Oesebaw, and Ausaaugh when the Indian descended into the night from the back of the island with the Water Spirit beckoning everyone home. There he stood, Horse, as he walked into his Tabby Shack and the long black tally wacker that kept him company at night.

You see here, the Afrikaan was not a slave, the Indian was not massacred, and the European was not power. They were Ausapaugh, one race called to the invisible island...and this is where I, Horse, became one with my Tabby Shack,the Tally Wacker, and the voice that calls me in the middle of the night...

Hello, my name is Horse ...and I am from Oesebaw...not a Geechee...but Ausapaugh.